© Wolverton and Stony Stratford Rotary Club

Some information about our club and membership costs
Interested in joining Wolverton & Stony Stratford Rotary ?
Our Club was formed in October 1959.  We currently have 12 members and meet at the Cock Hotel in Stony Stratford on Tuesday evenings (second, third & fourth Tuesdays of the month) for an informal dinner, and to enjoy friendship in a relaxed atmosphere.  We have a lot of fun        We are not a collection of stuffed shirt business types!!!
The cost of dinner is approximately £16, and members are free to choose their own meal selection from the hotel's extensive menu. Dress code is casual. Each month we have one business meeting, to discuss general club plans and activities and one or two visiting speakers' evenings (talks on a wide variety of interesting subjects). Attendance is flexible, to suit your commitments and circumstances.

Our subscriptions are paid either annually or half yearly depending upon your own preference.                                                             Annual
Club Subscription:                               £58.00                       
RGBI Subs:                                         £82.00
District Subs:                                       £10.00
Total                                                   £150.00

We hold events throughout the year to raise money for our local and international charities and good causes. We normally raise annually in the region of £15,000-£20,000. Over the past few years we have undertaken some major projects; we raised over £34,000 to buy a new ambulance for Willen Hospice, £7,000 to co-fund a new sensory room at Walnuts Care for youngsters with autism, £14,000 to buy a motorcycle for SERV, the charity which delivers blood and other urgent medical supplies, and £15,800 to totally refurbish and re-equip the kitchen in the MacIntyre Coffee Shop in Stony Stratford.
We are well known for our Christmas Santa’s Sledge which tours around the local estates and parks up for several days outside Sainsbury's and Tesco's and raises approximately £6,000.  You will also see us regularly at the Stony Lights Fayre selling warming mulled wine.  We also organise an annual Kids Out Day for disadvantaged youngsters on the second Wednesday in June and several fundraiser dinners at local restaurants each year.


Rotary is all about involvement and you can get involved to the extent that your other commitments allow. Our club has a very active social life and family members & friends are encouraged to get involved.


Interested?  Over 18?  If you want any more information about our club or an invitation to come to one of our weekly meetings then please "cbyard@talktalk.net" We look forward to hearing from you.

1) When was your club set up and what's it like attending?
2) What are the costs involved?
3) How do you raise your funds and what do you spend them on?








4) How much time is involved?

Please do have a look at the videos below made by Rotarians.
As a Rotarian How have you provided service ?
How have you benefited from being a Rotarian ?
How did you get started with Rotary ?
What is Rotary ?
What do you think is the best public relations for Rotary ?
What have you learnt from being a Rotarian ?
Why Rotary?