Club Committees 2023/24 updated 1st July 2023

                                                                                                (Additional club roles in parenthesis)

Club Officers

President:  Indra Patel   (Lend-with-Care microfinancing project)

Vice-President:  Marcus Rixon  (Membership development & meals organiser)

Secretary:   Chris Byard   (Speaker programme & web host)

Treasurer:  Stuart Clarke   (Social media)

Youth Service

Jane Lynds, Lead (Equality & diversity, club protection, H & S)

Community Service

Alan Swann, Chair

Derek Marsh

Des Murphy (Archivist, members' welfare)

Allan Nall

International Service & Foundation

John Moss, Lead (Chair of District Foundation Grants Committee)

John Woollett

Working Groups

To be set up for specific projects with across the club participation.

Club Trustees

Chris Byard

Stuart Clarke

Mike Thomas

Indra Patel

Club Council

Indra Patel, Club President

Chris Byard, Club Secretary)

Stuart Clarke, Club Treasurer

Marcus Rixon, Vice President

Club Service/Membership

Marcus Rixon, Vice President, Chair

Chris Byard, Club Secretary

Stuart Clarke, Club Treasurer

Mike Thomas (Public Relations/Communications)

Honorary Members

Jim Barnes

Tom Green

Brian Stuart

Ann Routledge

John Welch

Honoured Associate Members

Councillor Adrian Moss, Former Mayor - Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council

Rob Gifford - Former Chair of Stony Stratford Town Council